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Radio Mir from Medjugorje

Evening Program:
9:00 am Pacific
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12:00 pm Eastern


IIPG Queen of Peace
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IvanFor Ivans Schedule, click here.

If you would like Ivan to speak at your parish, you need an invitation extended to him from your pastor.  

For more info, write:

Anniversary Message of June 25, 2008 from Marija for the world

"Dear children! Also today, with great joy in my heart, I call you to follow me and to listen to my messages. Be joyful carriers of peace and love in this peaceless world. I am with you and I bless you all with my Son Jesus, the King of Peace. Thank you for having responded to my call."


Pictures from Medjugorje Updated June 17, 2007

Sitting on the hill by Blue Cross, waiting for Ivan and the prayer group to arrive.  Ivan has his apparition here for the prayer group when he is in Medjugorje.

Where Ivan will sit for the prayer group apparition.  This is Ante, Nedjo's son sitting on the bench made by the boys in Cenacolo.   

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This is what it looks like at the blue Cross right before the apparition with Ivan.  There are people all around the blue cross and statue. caça niqueis

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Prayers and songs from Medjugorje

Follow along with the prayers in English and Croatian.  I'm updating the prayer page to include more prayers and songs so check back from time to time. Casino Online Deutschland

Last updated June 25, 2008

For comments or suggestions, write to: Ana Shawl -


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